Digital Recreation, Entertainment, Art and Media (DREAM) Group


As its name implies, this research group is interested in issues that surround the areas of digital recreation, entertainment, art, and media. To that end, we have many research projects underway to investigate these issues, including the following:


The DREAM Group is led by Michael Katchabaw and Mark Daley of the Department of Computer Science at The University of Western Ontario.


Western currently offers several courses in these areas. In particular, the Department of Computer Science currently offers three courses specifically on issues in game development: Game Design (CS4483A/B), Game Engine Development (CS4482A/B), and Game Development Project (CS4480Y). Additionally, a Minor in Game Development is also available as a program module for those enrolled in Computer Science.

Further Information

As can be seen, this web site is currently under development. Please check back shortly for further information. In the mean time, please feel free to contact Michael Katchabaw or Mark Daley, and refer to their web sites for more DREAM-related information.